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Category: peanut

Peanuts come in two types: with hard shells (in-shell peanuts) and without shells (slices). The shelled peanuts also come in two varieties: white and red or pink. The smaller-sized peanuts, known as “Kabuli peanuts,” are mainly produced in India (42*38) (50*40) (50*60), while the larger-sized peanuts, such as “Astaneh” and “Meshkin,” and “Chinese” (from China) are produced in these sizes: (29 25) and (28 24). The taste of Iranian peanuts cannot be compared to their foreign counterparts. Astaneh or Meshkin peanuts have better color and taste and are packaged in cardboard boxes weighing 5 or 10 kilograms. However, Chinese peanuts are packed in cartons weighing 2 to 12.5 kilograms, with 25 kilograms per carton.

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