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Category: Plum
Tag: Plum

In general, aloe in Iran is divided into two types without skin and with skin.

Plums without skin are often produced in the north-east of Iran and are processed by two methods: sunny and sulphurous. Apart from the domestic consumption of Iran, this type of plum has found a good market for itself in East Asian countries, European countries and North America. There are different types of plums without skin, the most well-known of which are as follows:

The official Kobrai plums of Haj Hosni Targhabeh and Guqan and the common packaging of these plums are in cartons weighing 5 and 10. Skinned plums are mostly produced in the northwest of Iran and are processed by two methods of sun and sulfur, and except for consumption inside Iran, they go to the markets of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iraq. There are different types of plums with skin, which are as follows: Berghan plums (black and golden), center plums, stencil plums, plums are packed in cartons and weigh 5 and 10 kilos.Three of the most important properties of plums can be mentioned:

Preventing osteoporosis, treating constipation and helping to reduce blood sugar

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