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Category: seeds, Sunflower seed

Seed is the most diverse category of dried fruits and one of the most consumed products in this category

There are various types of seed:

(Black and white) sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds (Mashhadi small meaty marbled)

Japani seeds (also known as Jabanese)

Watermelon seeds (known as Mahboobi)

Each with different grades and sizes. These products are typically packaged in bags of various weights and offered in the market.

 The main provinces for the production of sunflower seeds are West Azerbaijan and Kermanshah, while the city of Khoy is the main producer of pumpkin seeds. The authenticity of Japani seeds belongs to the city of Jaban in Damavand, but the main producer of this product is Sabzevar city, and Kalaleh is known for its production of watermelon seeds.

In addition to domestic production, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria are also producers of pumpkin and sunflower seeds in the global market.

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